Template letter

Please following the following steps:

  1. Adapt the letter for your trust
  2. Approach your Trust CEO or Hospital general manager to endorse and send
  3. Send via email to your Council Leader AND cc contact@keyworkersneedstreet.space


Dear Council leader and Executive member for Transport,

As you know [INSERT HOSPITAL OR TRUST] employs over [xxxx] staff and treats over [xxx] patients a year.

We request that you implement an Emergency Transport Action Plan within the Borough of xxxx ahead of lockdown easing to ensure that Key workers are able to travel to work safely.

The evidence from Wuhan after lockdown is of an almost a doubling of private car use.  Without action in the UK, we risk the car becomIng the default mode of socially-distanced transport and non-car owners (half of the UK population) may have to choose between expensive private hire vehicles, crowded public transport or braving the newly-trafficked streets.

Overcrowded public transport will put our hopsital staff at high risk of catching, and passing on Covid-19.

We call on you to create a strategic cycling and walking network:

  1. Use temporary materials on key routes - repurposing traffic lanes and parking spaces for temporary cycle lanes, and widening footways to enable safe social distancing.
  2. Consider closing implementing residential streets to through traffic - this will ensure that everyone has access to street Space areas to walk, scoot, cycle and use wheelchairs without the blight of heavy traffic.

We need to make active travel a real option for everyone, not just the young and fit and use cars and public transport only for those who have no other option.

Infrastructure for active travel enables people to exercise as part of their daily routine and being physically active is an effective way to reduce rates of various chronic diseases including obesity. Public Health England has highlighted the importance of increasing the proportion of journeys made by bicycle or by foot.

The Prime Minister has told regional leaders to encourage people to commute on foot or by bike to help avoid a dramatic increase in car use after lockdown. We very much hope that these initiatives will be installed in your Borough without delay.



Chief Executive - XXX NHS Foundation Trust